One-on-one Coaching

The majority of people who seek my work are usually looking for information about the use of psychedelics and how to do proper integration work, however psychedelics are only one of the tools inside my method. To dive deep into a psychedelic experience, one needs to know himself/ herself, if you have not gone to the depths of who you are a psychedelic experience can be harmful, that is why psychedelics are not the main focus, but the development of the whole individual.

Below you will find details of my coaching method and also a video with step by step.

“Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.” ― Pablo Picasso

Psychedelics deconstruct who you are, or better saying, who you think you are, part of this transformation is the process of death, something needs to die for a new life to be born. My individual mentoring program is focused on erasing social conditioning and everything that does not serve your higher self. And to decide what stays and what to let go you will need to connect with yourself, and hear your inner wisdom. Maverick Method is a process of unlearning, in order for you to get to the core of you you are, a lot needs to be cleared. My goal is not to add new things into your mind, but to help you think independently, I will basically open a safe space for you to explore your life, and I will also give you powerful tools.

This process is a deep transformation, the whole program has the duration of 12 weekly sessions (3 months). If you feel called to, it will be an honor to help you find out who you really are.