My name is Laisa, I’m originally from Brazil and came to USA 8 years ago, I find it difficult to talk about myself because I’m always changing but one of my values is to discover who I truly am, under the labels, patterns and habits acquired due to social conditioning. The tattoo on in my right arm “nosce te ipsum” means know thyself, the Greek aphorism has been adopted from Ancient Egypt, it is said that there are two parts of the ancient Luxor Temple, the external temple (where the beginners were allowed to enter) and the internal temple (where a person was only allowed to enter after proven worthy and ready to acquire more knowledge). One of the proverbs of the External Temple says “The body is the house of God.” in the Internal Temple however the proverb says “Man, know thyself, and you are going to know the gods”.

“Through psychedelics we are learning that God is not an idea, God is a lost continent in the human mind. That continent has been rediscovered in a time of great peril for ourselves and our world. Is this coincidence, synchronicity, or a cruelly meaningless juxtaposition of hope and ruin?” Terence McKenna

I could write about courses, workshops, certifications or diplomas I’ve acquired so far in life but instead I will bring you to a memory of me as a 4 year old in a school located in the countryside of Brazil. I simply hated school, it was extremely difficult for me to sit in class and pay attention to all the things that did not interest me. With 5yo I was removed from one school because the teacher taped my hands to the desk in an attempt to lock me in class.

How was school today? Did they teach you how to believe, or did they teach you how to think?" Nathra Nader

I have many memories of teachers and authorities trying to lock me down so I wouldn’t escape school. I hated every moment of it and I felt like I was in jail and they had no right to trap me there. Nowadays, we all know, this child would be diagnosed with ADHD and given Adderall (also known as Methamphetamine). In his biography Steve Jobs talks about his experience when he first started school:

"I encountered authority of different kinds, and I did not like it. And they really almost got me. They came close to really beating any curiosity out of me."

When I look back in my life I can see this curiosity guiding me, I’ve always had an itch for experiencing something else, something deeper. I’ve worked in big companies in Brazil, with director, presidents, managers, coworkers and I couldn’t find many adults that looked happy with their lives, as we become adults we lose the sense of amazement and wonder, and we simply stop seeing the preciousness of life, how sacred it is the fact that we are here, alive.

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when one contemplates the mysteries of eternity... Never lose a holy curiosity." Albert Einstein

Another huge shift that was happening in my personal life had to do with the fact that I was in a very toxic relationship, where I was abused emotionally, physically and sexually by my (now ex) boyfriend, he thought I was crazy and forced me to start therapy (the irony.. the universe works in mysterious ways). Once I started therapy the can of worms was open, the darkness came to the surface and it made me conscious of so many things, including the role “I” was playing in the abusive relationship, it also exposed the cycle of toxicity the women in my family had been going through for generations, it showed me how the patriarchy system was strong in my family within men and us women too.

"If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Those events put me in a deep state of depression, but since I don’t apply to the labels of society, I call it awakening instead, I was tired of playing out the patterns of my family and decided to step away from everything in order to heal myself, the need to go further and to leave the old behind was unbearable, this curiosity is what has been guiding me throughout my whole life and psychedelics (in special LSD) helped me connect with it, through my inner child, suddenly everything was new again and everything was possible, I started using my imagination to create the new life that was waiting for me. Reading those words sounds very subtle and lovely, but it was not a beautiful process, the removing of old patterns shattered my sense of who I was, the destruction of my old self had started, Jeff Foster calls depression Deep Rest, I was going through the metamorphosis we are all familiar with, the clearing of the old to open up space for the new.

"Every act of creation is first and act of destruction." Pablo Picasso

The process of clearing out still takes place nowadays, it’s an ongoing work, I always say this is a path of removing things, not of adding new stuff, society shaped me, (afterwards we are a product of our environment) and as life went on I saw myself becoming more and more serious, that bitterness of adulthood robbed me of the joy of living, that is when psychedelics found me, I simply cannot put in words what I felt in my first psychedelic experience, but deep inside I knew that whatever I went through in my whole life was preparing me to that moment, my rebellion, my hatred for authority, my nonconformist views on life, it all paid off once I connected to my inner child, that sense of wonder that society tries to erase from you as soon as you are born, so you work your 9 to 5 job quietly and preferably almost dead, going through life like a robot with no feelings and in automatic mode. All the feelings of being an outsider, feeling like I did not fit in were completely gone, I had finally found myself, I was home.

“What I've done here this evening is just create a string of metaphors to try and pique your interest. Not once did I do justice to the truth of the situation or the depth of the psychedelic experience, because it cannot be told. It cannot be told. My technique is to tell the wildest, strangest story I can think of, claim that's the psychedelic experience, and leave it at that. But you should all know that the journey begins where the words stop.” Terence McKenna


My intention with the psychedelic integration coaching is not to force you into the same path I walked upon, but instead to open up the space so you can carve your own path, the entire process with plant medicine has been, personally, a process of elimination, elimination of social conditioning, dogmas, rules from society, government and the church, elimination of the domestication that led us to live an unhappy life. 

“You enter the forest at the darkest point, where there is no path. Where there is a way or path, it is someone else's path. You are not on your own path. If you follow someone else's way, you are not going to realize your potential.” Joseph Campbell

Our goal will be to reconnect with your inner child, with your playful side, and specially with that holy curiosity, the child that we all have within us and can bring so much imagination and creativity. This is the key, diving into the ocean of possibilities is EXTREMELY important to create a beautiful and fulfilling life, with playfulness and humor we can connect with who we really are, you will open up to new situations, new places, new people, new experiences and new challenges that you would not experience with that rigid, trained and restricted mind society and adulthood crafted for you. 

“It’s dark because you are trying too hard.
Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly.
Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply.
Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.

I was so preposterously serious in those days, such a humorless little prig.
Lightly, lightly – it’s the best advice ever given me.

So throw away your baggage and go forward.
There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet,
trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair.
That’s why you must walk so lightly.
Lightly my darling,
on tiptoes and no luggage,
not even a sponge bag,
completely unencumbered.” Aldous Huxley

That being said, I am a Professional Life Coach (iPEC 2019) In the last 7 years I have facilitated (and participated) in several experiences with plant medicine. I also hold a Bachelor degree in Architecture and have been working with Project Management for more than 10 years, although Life Coach and Architecture seem not to be related, my extensive work as a project manager made me develop social and, most importantly, systems thinking skills, which I carry in my courses and one-o-one mentoring sessions. I like to see myself as an architect of the mind.
If you feel called to start a new chapter in your life that involves creating a new vision and/or using psychedelic medicine, please reach out to me, it will be an honor to serve you and contribute to your journey.

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Gain access to untapped dimensions of your self. Gain clarity through a deeper connection with the earth and the wisdom that comes from within your mind. Unleash the power of the mind and achieve your highest self.


Unpack and process the personal truths from spiritually significant experiences. Find out how to integrate this cosmic wisdom into your practical personal growth. Learn to trust yourself and the inner healing intelligence within.


Through targeted coaching, learn how to live authentically and honestly while embracing your true self. Discover how to approach life from different perspectives and get rid of everything that is on the way of actualizing your full potential.


"Laisa, just gratitude, you inspire me to be stronger and see beauty in life, before I was walking into the dark and I got to know the psychedelic world, I finally decided to face my traumas and my insecurities, it's been so good, I've never felt so alive and full of will. Being more loving and patient with myself has been the best thing I've done in a while. Thank you for the tools you provide me, we are light." Nora

"Laisa, you are incredible. So much clarity, so much learning that breaks down so many unnecessary beliefs. Gratitude for that, you are much needed, goddess, wonderful." Larissa

"Very grateful for your teachings, I'm on my path and you are like a guide for me because I want to have more experiences with psychedelics and do it in a safe way. This tip about having an anchor within myself is very valuable and it was what helped me in my first time using psychedelics." Andressa

"Laísa, thank you for your courage!! Your light turns on mine and that of several other people." Victoria

"You bring out the best in me. I am so grateful for your existence and for bringing that love into my life. You are amazing." Edward

“I really admire the courage you have!!! A psychedelic revolution is happening, and you are contributing a lot to this revolution.” Philip

"Your energy, your attitude and your craziness are one of the things that have inspired me the most lately, since I found you. Success." Angelo

"Look, what you do is really enlightening the world, synthesizing all this knowledge and experiences and bringing it to us like this, so clearly, so precisely. Thank you very much for that! One of the things I love most about this self-knowledge, use of psychedelics, and personal development, it's precisely when I meet people who are human like me, who manage to talk about BEING A HUMAN in such an honest, true, and visceral way, as it should be. It's inspiring. Keep being that beacon who enlightens us with your generosity." Beatriz