Maverick Mind Mentorship Program

Join the community and meet like minded people. Maverick Mind mentorship program is for people who are tired of playing out old patterns inside the matrix, for people who think differently and want to increase independent thinking.

This program is a month long transformation, the group will be of approximately 20 people, where we get together weekly to unlearn the teachings of society in order to find our true faces and a more authentic way of living life.

Start your journey!

Maverick Mind program, different than most courses you see nowadays, is a program focused on erasing what doesn’t serve you anymore, and NOT IN ADDING new things into your mind. I truly believe that below all the social conditioning, dogmas and the mask we learned to wear just to participate and fit in society, we all have our pure essence, our core and our uniqueness. This authentic power is what makes us feel alive.

PART I ERASING THE OLD – Social conditioning is the sociological process of training individuals in a society to respond in a manner generally approved by the society in general and peer groups within society. All the beliefs that we have gathered throughout the years is ingrained into who we are, the structure of our identity is an accumulation of those beliefs that helped us survive in this society, however the society we are a part of nowadays is highly toxic, and this structure is not strong or useful enough to provide us with a happy and fulfilling life. This will be the main focus of the Maverick Method, the first and second class will be about social conditioning, we will deconstruct our identities, we will dig into religious, cultural, beliefs.

PART II PSYCHEDELICS AND CREATIVITY – We are creating our lives all the time, 24 hours 7 days per week, some of you might think you are not a very creative person, but the truth is that you are the ones creating your life, and if we don’t develop our creativity is almost impossible to live a happy and fulfilling life. Depressive people suffer from a lack of creativity, they are stuck in a loop and in one way of seeing life, this is where imagination comes into play. Creativity is the ability to think about a task or a problem in a new or different way or use the imagination to generate new ideas. Creativity enables you to think critically, solve complex problems or find exciting ways to approach tasks. If you are creative, you look at things from a unique perspective, are willing and able to learn as you go and are resilient and flexible. The second part of the program I will talk about the use of psychedelic substances and how to use them as a tool to create and manifest your vision into this reality.

PART III CREATING A VISION – After erasing the old, a new space was freed and this will be where you will be exploring and creating a new vision for your life. We will talk about your values and what are the things you live for, what makes you feel the most alive. Aligning your values with this new vision, your future self. The first part of the course will be about identifying what stays and what is necessary to let go. Only after getting with of old beliefs and unnecessary things can we open up space for new things to come into our lives. Your identity is an accumulation of all the beliefs you held throughout your whole life. Having a clear vision and being aligned with your values is of upmost importance when designing a new life.

This program is for you if:

You are stagnant is life.
You feel like your life is a repetition of old patterns playing out.
You are not living your full potential.
You feel like there is a much better life than the one you are living.
You are totally disconnected from yourself and your inner wisdom.
You see that society is guiding you towards the cliff.
You feel like you are a rat stuck in the matrix.
You are just watching your life pass by without your participating in it.
You are repeating the same old patterns as your parents and don’t know how to stop.

Together we will:

Study the power of psychedelic substances and its impact on creativity.
Increase openness to new ideas, change, and the ability to see a better life.
Unlock the power of your mind and body.
Erase all social conditioning and find out who you really are.
Create a whole new vision for your life, a vision that motivates you to be a better version of yourself.
Learn how to use the visions of medicinal plants to manifest your dream into reality.

You will learn:

How to discover your top 10 values in life.
How to set goals.
How to start taking action.
How to create a powerful vision.
How to unwire your top limiting beliefs.
How to unwire toxic & negative values.
The vision for living a purposeful life.
A roadmap and longterm vision for the next years of your life.


Each person who signs up will receive a free coaching session of 60 minutes with me, either in the beginning or in the end of the course. This session will be a chat and you will be able to share your story with me and be coached on the next steps of your life. One individual coaching session with me is the price of the whole course, if you sign up for the program the session is included for free.