Psychedelic journey – 3g GT

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    Dosage: 3g of dried GT
    Method: lemon tek tea with ginger and honey
    Experience: beginning mild and finishing intense (not many visuals, but heavily overthinking)


    I was not looking forward to having an intense experience, but now I know that I had to. We are never in control of the situation, and some choices can be harder than others. In the following lines, I will try to explain my experience, with details of insights and any important information regarding the experience and the situation I’m now facing in my life.

    I am lying down in the botanic garden, on a grey soft mat, placed on the poorly trimmed grass, looking at the sky and the leaves up my eyes. D and F are comfortably placed by my side. Me, F and D, in this correct order. Although there were three of us on the ground, no one speaks for a long time. The birds sing in the background, people chatting is almost inaudible, as well as the wind.

    I lie down with my elbows on the floor. By doing this I can look around and see the world as it is all the threes, the people, and birds flying around, and this sensation of being in the right place at the right time covers my heart with a warm hug.

    We talk a little bit, random things. I find a stick that looks like a pretzel. We all try it to confirm that it is not a pretzel. It really isn’t a pretzel. Then I find a magic leaf that changed the smell according to each person. For D, it smells like his fingers. For F, it smells like apples. For me, it smells like eucalyptus with P’s hair.

    D is now fetching us a blanket (although it was sunny, I am feeling cold, as well as F). He also gets some snacks. On his way to fetch all of this stuff, an immersive experience is starting to take action.

    All of the sudden, people from a wedding start to walk probably to take some pictures. We call these people the Tiny People. They look like they are shrinking while walking. F and I are now talking about these Tiny People. One of them is pregnant. Tiny People are now gone and we start a new conversation about the Magic Tree.

    The Magic Tree is a tree between my house and the botanic garden. It is a shiny tree that looks like it is a sea creature, like an anemone (this is such a weird word, almost like an anomaly). The shiny yellowish colours get our attention, it is different from the other trees, almost unfair to the other ones, almost magic. Not almost, but a Magic Tree! I do not recall this tree on our way to the botanic garden. F also does not recall it. It appeared right there, like magic with all of its beautiful shades, colours, and silhouettes. I am now appreciating the Magic Tree.

    I can see D returning from his long journey to get the blanket and some food. He brought chocolate with (guess what?) pretzels inside! I eat a piece of it, but I’m struggling to chew, it is quite hard, feels like my jaw is gonna break. How is D eating a carrot? He is super strong. He smoked a little bit of weed in this meantime and it is starting to kick harder now. He is saying that the grass is high (but actually he is, isn’t he?), and he is having some visual experience. It is like old cartoons, where the background is a bit opaque, and the moving objects/people/animals are brighter.

    F is now back from the toilet, I am not sure when she left, but I reckon it was a while ago. She is telling us about her experience in our building. It seemed to be a bit overwhelming, as she is saying that our building looks like a prison, the toilet and the common area were a mess, kids everywhere and toilet paper on the floor. All the grey colours from the walls also remembered her of a prison.

    We are now going back to our building because we have a diner with F, Pa and A (it is his birthday). The mushrooms are now a bit weaker, so I think it might be a good idea to smoke some potatoes (how we call weed to make it social acceptable, cuz who doesn’t like frying some potatoes?!) now. Why not? I want this good feeling for a little more.

    F sent me a message. “When do you think you’ll be down?” Well, we took the mushrooms at 3 pm, now it is 8 pm and I smoked a little bit. But everything is going to be fine. (Spoiler alert: nothing is going to be fine).

    How did I came downstairs? I do not remember taking the lift, or even opening the door. But now I am here, sitting on the chair and waiting for F to serve the food for us. Wait, what? Why is everyone looking at me with massive eyes? What are they doing? Why are they talking to me like this? What are these words that they are using that I have no idea the meaning of them?

    I am going back to my room, I think I need to rest. So I’m again in the lift. But now the temporal line gets messy. Time dissolves and the past, present and future make no sense anymore. Where is P? She was right here with me just now. The lift takes a while to find its way to the fourth floor. What if, but just what if I am in a simulation? That makes sense. Time dissolution, people talking nonsense words, coke with soap taste. Yes! It has to be a simulation. It is the only plausible explanation. I took the red pill, but I do not remember. This is a really good simulation.

    Maybe it is a good idea to lie down in bed and try to forget this whole simulation thing. Is P in the bathroom? I should check. No, she is not. It makes sense because the last time that I saw her she was downstairs. But what if she is not? What if there is nobody in the world anymore because I crashed the simulation? I have to check it again.

    Yes, P is downstairs. But D said that I am not wearing pants. Everybody is laughing. Maybe I am not wearing pants. But I can see my pants. Maybe this is part of the simulation, and since I crashed it, now nothing is making sense anymore. I have to go back home, but I do not want to go alone. I will ask P to come with me. She comes, takes a shower and I check if she is real and alive two times.

    Oh. My. God. She is part of the simulation and now she just keeps telling me that I am only high because of the mushrooms. She tells me this over and over again. I drink some orange juice, which is supposed to help me to go back to reality (if you dare call it this).

    Nothing happens and I just want to know if I am going to be like this forever. It is 10 pm, and I am quite high and upset. It means that my trip is lasting more than 6 hours. Maybe 7. Time does not make sense. I check the clock and it is still 22:45. After what feels like 10 minutes I check again. 22:45. Maybe I should wait more time before checking the clock again. 10 minutes later, 22:45. What? No, it is not possible. Why do I have a timer indicating 1 hour and 15 minutes? I will lie down here for a little while.

    What is she doing? This Instagram post about a new species of mushrooms that can be life-treating seems like a mould. Maybe the same mould that contaminated my harvest in the end. Maybe that is why I am like this. I should not have taken these mushrooms. P is talking nonsense again. What is this 10 – 15 mg of Clonazepam that I should take to get better? P is trying to make me feel better and go back to reality. But why is it written all over the page “10 – 15 mg of Clonazepam”? And “identifying the species is important to avoid similar conditions”?

    Let’s go for a walk with P, D and F. Wait, I am already downstairs again. How did I came here? I do not remember taking the lift or even opening the door. Past, present and future are still not making sense.

    We are walking while I am trying to understand the language that they are using. “Limmierth” is not a word. This is not a “limmierth”, it is a moth, of a butterfly, but not a “limminerth”. Why are D and F saying these words? Well, we are finally back in home and I can try to rest for a little while.

    Why is this happening again? I do not recall taking the lift and laying down in the bed. Everything is going to be fine. No, nothing is going to be fine and I will be like this forever. That is fine. I can live like this. I will just go to the woods and live like a bushman. Thoreau did it, I can do it. I just have to catch my breath. One. Two. Three. Breath. And just like magic, one single breath. I am back to reality like the universe pushing me back to my body.

    Everything is real.

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